Campaigning is about visibility, engagement, and safety – which can be a hard combination to achieve without the proper resources. Campaign wristbands from Wristband Specialty are the answer, helping get a message out and ensuring the proper security measures.


Why Campaign Wristbands?


Wristbands spark conversations and foster a sense of community and shared purpose. Campaign wristbands are a powerful tool for building community and spreading your message in a safe way. They are always on point for a political, awareness, or safety and security campaign. Get your message to resonate, your supporters to be unified, and your events to run seamlessly. 


Campaign wristbands – in Tyvek and cloth materials – help build valuable brand recognition with your name, slogan, or organizational colors. Wristbands can be used as giveaways at rallies, community events, booths, or door-to-door campaigns to create a wave of support. They can also enhance safety and security when used as entry passes or volunteer identification. 


Tyvek Wristbands


Tyvek wristbands from Wristband Supply are cost-effective, durable, tear-proof, and waterproof. Secure adhesive on the band allows participants to move freely without worrying about losing or misplacing their ticket. The wristbands also feature a patented die-cut design which easily identifies tampering – ensuring that only authorized people can participate.  


Cloth Wristbands


Cloth wristbands help create a memorable experience. Our locking-cloth wristbands are made from high-quality material and are comfortable, secure, and durable. And did we mention reusable? Cloth wristbands serve as visible security and also are a unique souvenir.