College wristbands are colorful, personalized accessories. But they also make a big impact on campuses, promoting causes, enhancing security and serving as souvenirs. Wristband Specialty has the widest selection of wristbands to meet the needs and budgets of colleges and universities, with the perfect style for any occasion.
Why College Wristbands?
Security and Crowd Control
College wristbands are indispensable for managing security and controlling crowds. Think about move-in day and orientation, which bring in students and their families and friends. On-campus sporting events, the fine arts, and other extracurriculars also require proper measures to ensure the safety of all. College wristbands are a sensible, cost-effective answer to these needs. Universities are even exploring the use of wristbands for dorm, lab, or restricted area access.
Brand Promotion
College wristbands are a powerful tool to bolster brand visibility, especially for visitors to the campus. Designs featuring your school’s unique logo and branding cultivate a sense of community and strengthen the college's brand identity. Students and other attendees will continue to sport wristbands after an event, further amplifying brand exposure for days or even weeks.
Working with Wristband Specialty is an open door to creating personalized wristbands designed around your college’s unique messaging, colors, and logos. Plus, they play a key role in raising awareness for specific causes. The correct wristband is an enduring visual reminder that generates interest. And even more, they are valuable fundraising tools, both as a symbol and a keepsake for garnering support.
College Wristbands are Our Specialty
More than 18,000 days. That’s how long Wristband Specialty has been in business. When you spend more than 50 years doing something, you’re more than an expert in the field. It means you have spent decades building relationships with customers, providing the quality products they need backed by superior service.
Wristband Specialty is committed to producing the highest-quality wristbands. Call (954) 571-3993 or email orders@wristbandsupply.com for information about our college wristbands or any of our many wristband products.