
Is Social Distancing Really THAT Important?


Everything is canceled! From your favorite restaurants and bars to that huge music festival you’ve been waiting all year for, the coronavirus called COVID-19 has seemingly forced the world to come to a collective halt. It’s almost like that one movie, The Day The Earth Stood Still, but with tiny microscopic invaders instead of benevolent space aliens, and instead of one day, experts predict we’ll be under lockdown for weeks or even months!



While these extreme measures may seem unnecessary to some, it’s actually really important for all of us to do our part to stop the spread of the virus. This particular strain of coronavirus is much more contagious than the flu meaning it travels faster! We are urged to consistently wash our hands, avoid touching our face, and disinfect common areas and items to stop the spread of infection via contaminated surfaces such as doorknobs and our cell phones.



However, the main way the virus spreads is from person to person through droplet infection when someone coughs or sneezes which is why social distancing is our best defense against the virus. Experts suggest that everyone, even those who seemingly have no symptoms, behave as if we already were infected and take extra suggested precautions to avoid the worst-case scenario: overwhelming hospitals. Sure, it could just be seasonal allergies or maybe a random little tickle in your throat, but when facing an invisible enemy, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. 



To combat the situation, many essential businesses and companies are implementing new procedures and policies to help limit the number of people that are out and about at once. For example, many restaurants are still operating under drive-through and take out only. Even grocery stores have started promoting “senior hours” to protect those most vulnerable to illness that still need to get their weekly shopping done. Hospitals especially need to up their security since they are most susceptible to crowds in a pandemic.



Some medical centers have even started initial screening procedures that include temperature checks and identifying visitors who have been cleared of the virus with color-coded wristbands which must be worn throughout their hospital visit. Anyone without a wristband would not be allowed to enter the facility. Other hospitals use ID wristbands to limit the number of caregivers allowed to accompany a sick patient at any given time. It’s already a standard practice for hospitals to use color-coded wristbands to identify patients and visitors because it's an effective method of quickly alerting hospital staff of a patient’s needs by visually communicating the various conditions a patient may have such as fall risk, allergies, DNR, restricted extremity, elopement risk, and dietary restrictions. 



Unfortunately, officials fear that healthcare facilities may not have the adequate number of supplies needed to tackle a major outbreak. With face masks and hand sanitizers already scarcely available, it’s crucial that we do everything we can to slow down the infection so hospitals and medical centers can prepare for the worst. Wristband Specialty is committed to helping the best way we can. Having launched in 1973 originally only selling medical wristbands to hospitals, we know how important it is for hospitals to receive the supplies they urgently need as quickly as possible. Offering same-day shipping on all regular and custom Tyvek as well as stock plastic and vinyl bands, we are dedicated to making sure hospitals, clinics, and government healthcare centers all across the country get the patient, staff, and visitor identification bands they need to help us all in the fight against COVID-19.



Call us today at 954-571-3993 or send an email to for more information. 

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