
Wristband Specialty for Freedom


From the barbeques with loved ones, to the magical display in the night sky, to the symbolism each of these things share, there’s one thing you can’t deny. Independence Day is to truly honor the privileges this country grants us every day. On that day we take a pause from our lives ever-changing to unify to the same tune. Liberty. Though we come from different walks of life we share the honor of raising up the American flag high and proud. Casting its gratuity to those who stand with it. Through liberty we find order. Recognizing this theme, it’s important that it translates in the events planned. It can be the simplest detail that can set precedent to the rest of the day.


Who Are You?

Though there is a lot of aspects to event planning, the most important would be keeping track of who is attending. Nobody wants to play the guessing game when it comes to who that weird “uncle” is eating all the pigs in a blanket. An easy solution? Consider our Patriotic Wristbands specifically made for the 4th of July. Pre-designed wristbands, exclusive to our inventory. You won’t find these printed wristbands offered in any other store or website.


“I.N.D.E.P.E.N.D.E.N.T. Do You Know What That Means?”

There’s all sorts of people in this world and not one the same. So maybe these “Patriotic wristbands” are not enough to fit your personal pizzazz. Well who are we to assume we had you all figured out? Not to worry. We didn’t. In fact with our custom-printed wristbands, you have the ability to exercise your freedom all over. Custom printed wristbands allows you to print whatever text or logo you feel would fit your theme best. Our wristbands ranging from 1/2, 3/4, 1 inch in sizes. You have the option to print “full colored” which allows you to print multiple colors on one band. Make your wristbands as much of an eye catcher as fireworks in the sky.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Wristbands

With the variety we offer, the possibilities are endless. We’ve thought of all the details that you would need to make it customizable to you. From numbering the wristbands to keep track of your guests to choosing the font or color of the text. From choosing the size of the wristband to choosing the color… and all the options in between. Some would say our wristbands are a fine example of the liberty so greatly offered to us. Purchase your wristbands today and celebrate this Independence Day the way our founding fathers intended.

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