
Wristbands VS Tickets: Which Option is Best for Festivals?


Wristbands and festivals go hand in hand like popcorn at the movies. Remember the last time you went to a concert with your friends? It’s nice to see everyone around you wearing that same colorful bracelet knowing you’re all there to have a good time. However, unlike the movies where you simply present your ticket and then make your way to your seat, music, food and other community festivals are usually full-day or multi-day events. For some people, keeping track of a loose paper ticket can really damper a fun relaxing day with a constant twinge of anxiety. Nothing is worse than that mini heart attack you get when you suddenly can’t feel your ticket in your pocket anymore. Ultimately, it just makes more sense to utilize wristbands. 



There are so many benefits to opting for wristbands than paper tickets for admission. For one thing, it’s harder to lose a wristband than a ticket. You may think a ticket will be safe inside your wallet, but some multi-day tickets are required to be presented at multiple points of entry. Some tickets come with vouchers for food too and having to constantly pull out your wallet to get your ticket is not only annoying, but you risk dropping it every time you need to access it. A wristband is visible at all times. Not only for the festival staff, but guests as well will be confident that their ticket is securely fastened on their wrist for the duration of the event. 



Being easily visible at all times also helps festivals cut down on their lines. Staff members can visually check someone’s access level in seconds since there wouldn’t be a need to stop or hold up entry traffic to verify ticket holders. Wristbands also offer a great way to quickly identify different types of patrons. People working festival security can easily and quickly identify who are sponsors, artists, staff, volunteers, or VIP members by the designated colors each person at a festival exhibits. 



Wristbands are also useful since they are harder to fake or resell. Wristband Specialty offers a wide variety of colors as well as designs perfect for any event. Choosing a unique color or design will make it harder for people to replicate and print at home like a paper ticket. Festival bands that are custom printed also offer an extra layer of security against fraud over blank wristbands and, since they are worn, it helps to combat ticket sharing. People with paper tickets might be able to hand their tickets over to someone else outside the venue to be used again once the original ticket holder has been admitted. Wristbands are specifically made to be worn once. Bands that have been removed or tampered with cannot be worn again and are easily detectable. 



Finally, wristbands are more than just a ticket. They offer a sense of community and some people like to keep them for the memories associated with them.  You’ve probably never seen someone show much attachment to their online tickets printed at home, but a lot of die-hard festival-goers create some very interesting things with their wristbands. From keychains to shadow boxes, to simply wearing their concert bracelets for days, weeks and even months after the events are long gone to remind them of their exciting experiences, the friends they made, and the awesome music, food, or art they saw.


Click here if you want to know more about custom printing.

For more information call (954) 573 3996 or email orders@wristbandsupply.com

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